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07.09.1999 -- Contributing to the increasing internationalization of markets the Survey Computing Website was divided now into international areas.
The only main page www.surveycom.com
(under before US/general Domain) is from now on the international English
homepage of Survey Computing. The German-language homepage (for Austria,
Germany, Switzerland, etc..) is now www.surveycom.com/de.
Individual sub regions of the Website are held English, only German depending
upon spreading and usefulness of respective application either only, or also in
several languages. The MedSurvey Website www.surveycom.com/medsurvey for
available ACCESS customer is German-language, since because of the medical bases
only physicians from Austria or Germany would be applicable as users. Just as
(currently developing) the OrderSurvey Website www.surveycom.com/order
for users of the order processing/invoice software. Other areas, in particular
the developer sites www.surveycom.com/develop
and www.surveycom.com/java (both sites
of the " Survey development " division) are due to its status as
" the developer language "
kept English.
For further information please contact:
Survey Computing
Werner KEIL
Internet: keil@surveycom.com